Dr Magdalena Markiewicz

Friendly credit - is it possible?


The project "Science Clubs at the University of Gdansk - known and unknown faces of science" was co-financed by the
from the programme "Social Responsibility of Science" of the Minister of Education and Science




We would like to invite you to open meetings in the form of science cafés bringing the scientific activities of the University's staff to a wider audience.

Wednesday, 9 March 2022, 6.00 pm

The lecture "Friendly credit - is it possible?" will be presented by Magdalena Markiewicz, PhD, Faculty of Economics, University of Gdańsk


Today's family model often includes one more household member, which is credit. How to prepare for taking out a loan, how to work out creditworthiness, how to live with a loan, especially one that accompanies us for a longer period of time? How not to fall into credit traps, how to avoid the debt loop? Should we overpay our credit or wait for better times? What do we need to know about credit schedules, capital, interest, credit collateral?

In a world of uncertainty and changes in exchange rates and interest rates, living with credit also means a lot of change and adaptation. So at the meeting we will also talk about the emotions associated with credit, as well as the happy ending, i.e. what to do when we repay the credit?


I will try to answer this and other questions during the lecture.

Those who wish to ask a question can send it by Tuesday 8 March 2022 to: oblicza.nauki@ug.edu.pl


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Submitted on Thursday, 24. February 2022 - 18:32 by Andrzej Nowacki Changed on Wednesday, 31. May 2023 - 20:32 by Andrzej Nowacki