Dr Wojciech Glac

The brain in cyberspace

science clubs

Supported by the "Social Responsibility of Science" programme of the Ministry of Education and Science



We would like to invite you to open meetings in the form of science cafés bringing the scientific activities of the University's employees closer to a wider audience.

Tuesday 23 February 2021, 6.00 pm

The lecture "The brain in cyberspace" will be presented by Dr Wojciech Glac

Abstract: The virtual space of the internet, social media or games, in which we spend more and more time, is a challenge for our brains. How does the brain function in cyberspace? What changes does it induce in the brain and what do they depend on? Does it have a positive or negative impact on the functioning of different types of brain processes? Is it an opportunity or a threat to our brain?

During the lecture, which attempts to answer these and other questions, we will delve into the brain immersed in cyberspace.


Those who wish to ask a question can do so until Monday 22 February 2021 at: oblicza.nauki@ug.edu.pl

The project is led by the UG Department of Chemistry and the UG Department of Economics.

For more information about the project's events:

Faculty of Chemistry UG

Faculty of Economics UG



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Submitted on Friday, 5. February 2021 - 12:18 by Andrzej Nowacki Changed on Sunday, 28. May 2023 - 18:39 by Andrzej Nowacki