Bachelor's studies

Pracownia dyplomowa

To meet the problems associated with the choice of optional subjects and the need to obtain the appropriate number of ECTS credits, we suggest choosing a subject path in which the optional subjects are thematically related and also involve the so-called a block of diploma subjects. While maintaining the principle of full freedom of choice, the selection of the appropriate block of diploma subjects makes it easier to make a decision on continuing education at second-cycle studies and thus choosing the Department/Laboratory in which the Student intends to do the master's thesis.

See the list of proposed subjects to choose from ...

During the 2nd and 4th semesters of studies, students of the specialty of Medical Chemistry (CH-M), Cosmetics Chemistry (CH-K) and chemistry (CH) choose the appropriate number of hours of optional subjects, supplementing the obligatory and specialization subjects.

During the 4th semester of studies, students also choose the Department/Laboratory where they will carry out - in the 6th semester - the so-called block of diploma subjects. Obligatory subjects included in this block are: specialization lecture, diploma seminar and diploma workshop.

The program of these subjects is in the table below (see the description of diploma subjects).

In the case of the Laboratory of Sugar Chemistry and the Laboratory of Glycochemistry, which are part of the Department of Organic Synthesis, the block of diploma subjects is run jointly by the two units.

At the first-cycle studies, the employees of the Laboratory of Sugar Chemistry and the Laboratory of Glycochemistry teach the following optional subjects (optional subjects end with a grade):


Optional subjects:

Subject - lecturer(s) L C LC Total ECTS
II YEAR - SEMESTER 4 subject to choose from
Chemia w praktyce - dr hab. Janusz Madaj, prof. UG 30 30 2 p.
III YEAR - SEMESTER 5 subject to choose from
Właściwości kwasowo-zasadowe związków organicznycha - dr hab. Beata Liberek, prof. UG 15 15 1 p.
Podstawy chemii węglowodanów - dr hab. Janusz Madaj, prof. UG 30 30 2 p.
III YEAR - SEMESTER 6 subject to choose from
Aktywność biologiczna oraz synteza glikopeptydów i ich prekursorów - dr hab. Janusz Madaj, prof. UG i dr hab. Adam Prahl* 30 30 2 p.

*Specialization lecture (obligatory) included in the so-called a block of diploma subjects, and optional (to choose from) for students of other diploma groups.

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Submitted on Thursday, 6. March 2014 - 21:37 by Andrzej Nowacki Changed on Friday, 31. March 2023 - 10:09 by Andrzej Nowacki