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The project "Science Clubs at the University of Gdansk - known and unknown faces of science" was co-financed
from the program "Social responsibility of science" of the Minister of Education and Science


Oxford Debate Competition

We invite high school students to participate in an Oxford Debate Competition organized as part of the project "Science Clubs at the University of Gdansk - known and unknown faces of science" by the Faculty of Economics and Faculty of Chemistry of the University of Gdansk.

The debates will cover theses in the field of sustainable development from a human perspective and its impact on the environment. Participants in the debates will therefore take up socio-economic topics as well as topics related to chemistry and environmental protection.

 Teams are qualified on a first-come, first-served basis for the second edition of the tournament (March - May 2022). Once the places are exhausted, a reserve list is created.

 In the application, the 4-person team composition (first name, last name) and the name and contact information of the team's supervisor must be provided.

 Qualified teams are entitled to participate in the public speaking training conducted at the University of Gdansk on March 07 or 10, 2022. The workshop trainings will develop students' knowledge and skills in communication, argument formulation and discussion. They provide valuable preparation for Oxford debates.

The finals of the competition in the second edition will be held on May 18, 2022.

 Teams that participate in the debates will receive certificates of participation. Teams participating in the final will receive diplomas and individual prizes for taking 1st, 2nd and 3rd place in the form of vouchers worth 500, 300 and 100 PLN, respectively. The winning team receives a cup.

 The debates in the 2nd edition will be held stationary at the University of Gdansk in March-May 2022. The organizer reserves the right to change the form of the tournament depending on the number of registered participants or to hold debates in online form in case new pandemic restrictions come into force.

 In the appendices you will find the rules and regulations, the application form, the schedule, the evaluation criteria for the Oxford debates.

We cordially invite you to participate!

Contact about debates and registration: oblicza.nauki@ug.edu.pl

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Submitted on Wednesday, 15. December 2021 - 20:54 by Andrzej Nowacki Changed on Friday, 19. May 2023 - 18:48 by Rafał Ślusarz