
Task subsidized from the funds of the Provincial Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management in Gdansk

Task name: "Deodorization and disinfection of air in wastewater management facilities" (under agreement no. WFOŚ/D/210/5/2018).

Head: Prof. Dr. Eng. Adriana Zaleska-Medynska

Eligible cost of the task:400,000 PLN

Amount and form of funding from the WFOŚiGW in Gdańsk: grant in the amount of 320 000 zł.

Task description: The main objective of the project is to design, build and test an innovative device for deodorization and purification of air streams emitted at wastewater management facilities (such as sewage pumping stations or sewage sump points) for reducing the environmental impact of wastewater management facilities.

The prototype air deodorization and disinfection plant is an innovative solution for the removal of volatile organic compounds (VOCs), inorganic compounds (such as NOx, NH3, SO2) and odorants, dust and microorganisms. The device allows efficient degradation of toxic pollutants in the gas phase simultaneously with a selective oxidant (O3) and with hydroxyl radicals (non-selective oxidant). The use of a state-of-the-art air purification system (ozone-assisted photocatalytic method) will reduce the load of pollutants emitted into the atmosphere and thus contribute to improving working conditions at wastewater facilities and raising the quality of life of local residents.

The proposed plant has a modular design, which allows the elimination of dust in the dust collection module and the degradation of organic and inorganic compounds (including odorants) in an oxidation reaction using ozone and hydroxyl radicals (generated in the photocatalytic oxidation module). In addition, the plant is equipped with an adsorption module on activated carbon. The device was built on the basis of novel photocatalytic materials, and the combination of the photocatalytic reaction with the ozonation reaction makes it possible to increase efficiency and expand the spectrum of pollutants that can be removed by this method.

The team of Prof. Dr. Adriana Zaleska-Medynska from the Department of Environmental Technology of the Faculty of Chemistry was responsible for the substantive part of the project. The first stage of research and development work concerned the development of technology for the production of innovative photocatalytic layers on a fractional-technical scale. The project also included research on the correlation of the type and concentration of pollutants in the vicinity of wastewater management facilities in the Szemud municipality with the time of day and ambient temperature. The next stage was the design and construction of an installation adapted to deodorize and purify the air near wastewater management facilities. The contractor for the air disinfection and deodorization device was the PHU Dytrych company from Lodz, represented by Mr. Witold Dytrych.

Active link to the www:

Implementation report



Air stream purification device installed at the wastewater treatment plant in Szemud




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Submitted on Saturday, 14. March 2020 - 18:20 by Beata Bajorowicz Changed on Wednesday, 12. April 2023 - 10:56 by Joanna Drzeżdżon