
Task subsidized from the funds of the Provincial Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management in Gdansk

Task name: "Photocatalytic towers for air purification in urban agglomerations" (under agreement no. WFOŚ/D/210/4/2018).

Head: Prof. Dr. Eng. Adriana Zaleska-Medynska

Eligible cost of the task: 400,000 PLN

Amount and form of funding from the WFOŚiGW in Gdańsk: grant in the amount of 320 000 zł.

Task description: The aim of the project is to design, build and test a photocatalytic tower for air purification in urban agglomerations. The proposed photocatalytic tower allows simultaneous removal of volatile organic compounds (VOCs), inorganic compounds (such as NOx and SO2), dust and microorganisms, thereby improving air quality in urban agglomerations.

The device uses an innovative heterogeneous photocatalysis process, in which the active forms of the oxide effectively inactivate chemical pollutants, pathogenic microorganisms and unpleasant odors. The use of the innovative device contributes to the purification of air containing a wide range of pollutants, thereby improving the health situation of the population, especially in relation to respiratory and cardiovascular diseases.

The team of Prof. Dr. Adriana Zaleska-Medynska from the Department of Environmental Technology at the UG Department of Chemistry was responsible for the substantive part of the project. One of the main tasks of the project was to develop the production of photocatalytic layers in the form of TiO2 nanotubes on a fractional-technical scale. This research required the development of suitable apparatus and the selection of conditions for the production of photocatalytic layers at the fractional-technical scale. The transition from the laboratory scale to the fractional-technical scale made it possible to produce layers with dimensions suitable for the prototype device and will enable future production of photocatalytic layers (commercialization of the technology). The contractor for the tower was PHU Dytrych Sp. z o.o. from Lodz, represented by Witold Dytrych.

Active link to the www:

Implementation report


Photos of the photocatalytic tower on the campus of the University of Gdansk



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Submitted on Saturday, 14. March 2020 - 17:52 by Beata Bajorowicz Changed on Wednesday, 12. April 2023 - 10:52 by Joanna Drzeżdżon