Scientific Projects
Scientific Projects - in progress
An integrated approach to modeling protein structure and dynamics using coarse-grained UNRES force field and bioinformatics methods and incomplete experimental data. HARMONIA9 grant carried out in international collaboration with Prof. Jooyoung Lee of the Korea Institute for Advanced Study, supervisor Dr. Cezary Czaplewski, Prof. UG
Predicting the structures of proteins and protein complexes using the coarse-grained UNRES force field, participating in the development of new versions of the UNRES force field as well as the UNRES suite of programs under the MAESTRO-3 and HARMONIA 4 grants led by Prof. Adam Liwo of the Molecular Modeling Laboratory.
Scientific Projects - ended
Global protein docking algorithms based on the coarse-grained UNRES model - PRELUDIUM9 grant led by Dr. Pawel Krupa.
ENERLIQ - ENERgy conversion based on ionic LIQuids and novel solid technology. The project was led by Dr. Maciej Bobrowski of the Department of Technical Physics and Applied Mathematics at the Gdansk University of Technology and carried out in 2012-2015 under the Polish-Swiss Research Program together with Prof. Herbert Keppner's group at the University of Applied Sciences and Arts Western Switzerland (HES-SO). The project developed thermoelectrochemical generators based on ionic liquids, redox reactions and SOLID liquid solid deposition technology.