Internal normative acts related to the quality of education at the Faculty of Chemistry UG

Internal normative acts related to the quality of education at the Faculty of Chemistry of the University of Gdańsk

Resolution of the Council of the Faculty of Chemistry UG No. 03/12 of September 12, 2012 on the Faculty System of Educational Quality Assurance at the Faculty of Chemistry UG

Resolution of the Council of the Faculty of Chemistry UG No. 20/09 of December 16, 2009 on the appointment of the Consultative Council of the Faculty of Chemistry UG

Dean's Order No. 10/2012 of November 14, 2012 on the appointment of Internal Auditors for Educational Quality at the Faculty of Chemistry

Dean's Order No. 7/2012 of September 17, 2012 on the procedure and deadlines for evaluation of teaching activities of academic teachers within the framework of the Faculty Quality Assurance System for the term 2012-2016

Dean's Order No. 6/2012 of September 17, 2012 on the appointment of members of the Program Councils of the faculties of chemistry, environmental protection and agrochemistry for the term 2012-2016

Dean's Order No. 5/2012 of September 17, 2012 on the appointment of plenipotentiaries of the Dean of the Faculty of Chemistry for the term 2012-2016

Dean's Order No. 4/2012 of September 13, 2012 on the budget of the Faculty Quality Assurance Team for the academic for the term 2012-2013

Dean's Order No. 3/2012 of September 13, 2012 on the composition of the Faculty Quality Assurance Team

Dean's Order No. 7/2013, dated June 7, 2013, on the duty of on-call (consultation) at the Faculty of Chemistry

Dean's Order No. 8/2013 dated September 4, 2013 on the budget of the Faculty Quality Assurance Team for the academic year 2013/14

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Submitted on Tuesday, 19. November 2013 - 09:22 by Sławomir Lach Changed on Tuesday, 25. April 2023 - 11:17 by Andrzej Nowacki