Internal normative acts related to the quality of education at the University of Gdańsk

Resolution of the Senate of the University of Gdansk No. 14/12 of March 29, 2012 on establishing guidelines for the councils of basic units on the adoption of study plans and educational programs, as well as describing their implementation and evaluating the results, in accordance with the National Framework of Qualifications for Higher Education

Resolution of the Senate of the University of Gdańsk No. 25S/10 of February 25, 2010 - Development Strategy of the University of Gdańsk until 2020

Resolution of the Senate of the University of Gdańsk No. 76/09 of November 26, 2009 on the introduction of an internal system for quality assurance of education

Rector's regulation No. 90/R/12 of November 26, 2012 on the amendment of the Order of the Rector of the University of Gdańsk No. 80/R/12 of October 16, 2012 on the appointment of the University Team for Educational Quality Assurance for the term 2012-2016

Rector's regulation No. 80/R/12 of October 16, 2012 on the appointment of the University Team for Educational Quality Assurance for the term 2012-2016 Rektora Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego nr 80/R/12 z dnia 16 października 2012 roku w sprawie powołania Uczelnianego Zespołu do spraw Zapewniania Jakości Kształcenia na okres kadencji 2012-2016

Rector's regulation No. 6/R/12 of February 03, 2012 regarding amendment of the Order of the Rector of the University of Gdańsk No. 56/R/09 of November 16, 2009 regarding introduction of the System of Periodic Employee Appraisals for employees of the University of Gdańsk who are not academic teachers

Recotor's regulation No. 73/R/11 of November 02, 2011 on changing the composition of the University Team for Educational Quality Assurance

Rector's regulation No. 59/R/11 of July 18, 2011 on amending the Decree of the Rector of the University of Gdańsk No. 22/R/11 of February 25, 2011 on the composition of the University Team for Quality Assurance of Education

Rector's regulation No. 56/R/11 of July 08, 2011 on the amendment of the Order of the Rector of the University of Gdańsk No. 48/R/10 of May 31, 2010 on the principles of operation of the Internal Educational Quality Assurance System at the University of Gdańsk

Rectors's regulation No. 22/R/11 of February 25, 2011 on the composition of the University Team for Educational Quality Assurance

Rector's regulation No. 1/R/11 dated January 03, 2011 on observance of financial discipline in organizational units of the University of Gdansk

Rector's regulation No. 79/R/10 of October 29, 2010 on the amendment of the Order of the Rector of the University of Gdańsk No. 48/R/10 of May 31, 2010 on the principles of operation of the Internal Educational Quality Assurance System at the University of Gdańsk

Rector's regulation No. 70/R/10 of October 05, 2010 on evaluation of academic teachers

Rectors regulation No. 49/R/10 of May 31, 2010 on the composition of the University and Faculty Teams for Quality Assurance of Education and the scope of tasks assigned to them

Rector's regulation No. 48/R/10 of May 31, 2010 on the principles of operation of the Internal Educational Quality Assurance System at the University of Gdańsk

Rector's regulation No. 56/R/08 dated December 30, 2008 on appointing a Team for developing an internal system of ensuring quality of education at the University of Gdansk

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Submitted on Tuesday, 19. November 2013 - 09:23 by Sławomir Lach Changed on Tuesday, 25. April 2023 - 14:31 by Andrzej Nowacki