Diploma subjects

Diploma courses - CHEMICAL BUSINESS, Bachelor's degree programme

During the fourth semester, undergraduate students choose the organisational unit of the Faculty of Chemistry (Department, Laboratory) in which they will pursue a block of diploma subjects (engineering lecture, engineering seminar and engineering laboratory) in semesters six and seven. As part of the engineering studio and engineering seminar, students will prepare a diploma project. The diploma project will include both chemical and economic aspects related to the implementation of the selected technological process. After completing the project, they present the results obtained to the group and submit an engineering thesis, which takes the form of a short report on the realisation of the project and is assessed by a supervisor and a thesis reviewer. Undergraduate studies conclude with an engineering examination.

List of Departments offering a block of diploma subjects:




Department of Environmental Analysis

Professor Piotr Stepnowski, PhD, DSc


Department of Analytical Chemistry

Professor Tadeusz Ossowski, PhD, DSc, Eng.


Department of Biomedical Chemistry

Professor Sylwia Rodziewicz-Motowidło, PhD, DSc


Department of Bioinorganic Chemistry

Professor Mariusz Makowski, PhD, DSc


Department of Physical Chemistry

Professor Janusz Rak, PhD, DSc


Department of Organic Chemistry

Professor Adam Prahl, PhD, DSc


Department of Environmental Technology

Professor Adriana Zaleska-Medynska, PhD, DSc, Eng.



Engineering lectures - semester 7




Technical and industrial analytics


Department of Environmental Analysis

Department of Environmental Technology


Modern technologies


Department of Biomedical Chemistry

Department of Organic Chemistry

Department of Molecular Biochemistry

Selected techniques used for physocochemical analysis in industry and diagnostics

Department of Analytical Chemistry

Department of Bioinorganic Chemistry

Department of Physical Chemistry


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Submitted on Monday, 16. August 2021 - 18:41 by Andrzej Nowacki Changed on Wednesday, 10. May 2023 - 16:12 by Andrzej Nowacki