Master's Degree Studies

Teaching Classes in Criminology:

  • Environmental crime
  • Terrorism
  • Crime against health and life

Crime against the environment
Forms and semester of classes: Lecture, auditorium exercises,  4th semester (summer)

Program contents: 

Lecture: Introduction. Water - resources, pollutants, sources of pollution, methods of protection. Pollution of water, air and land with radioactive substances. Discharge of wastewater from households, industrial plants and ships in violation of the law. Soils - degradation and protection of soil resources. Air - composition of the atmosphere, air pollutants and related phenomena (acid rain, smogs, ozone hole, anthropogenic greenhouse effect), methods of protecting the air from pollution. Violation of the level of emissions of noise, chemicals (including ozone-depleting substances) and energy into the environment. Violation of the level of emissions of noise, chemicals (including substances that deplete the ozone layer) and energy into the environment. Waste management. Improper handling of packaging and packaging waste Illegal transportation, storage and management of waste (including hazardous, medical and veterinary waste). Improper handling of waste oils, batteries and accumulators, sewage sludge and metal waste. PCBs: recovery, incineration and mixing with oils. Use of inexhaustible energy sources. Environmental monitoring in Poland. Sustainable development strategy. Toxicity and physical and chemical properties of selected groups of pollutants (radioactive substances, plant protection products, PCBs, dioxins, heavy metals). Introduction into the environment of lead, cadmium, mercury and hexavalent chromium in packaging or products. Marketing of hazardous substances / preparations without labeling / improperly labeled or without safety data sheets. Environmental disasters and accidents at industrial plants. Use of fertilizers and plant protection products that are not approved for marketing and not in compliance with applicable regulations. Burning of meadows, pastures, wastelands. Non-compliant recycling of end-of-life vehicles, waste electrical and electronic equipment. Improper operation or lack of environmental protection equipment at production facilities.

Audit exercises: The subject matter of the audit exercises includes the presentation of the various classes of waste containing chemical compounds that pose a potential threat to the environment. Students in the course become familiar with the characteristics of the substance and the legal basis for its circulation, use and subsequent disposal. Possible crimes against the environment within the discussed waste classes are also indicated.


Forms and semester of classes: Lecture , Laboratory Exercises ,  3rd semester (winter)


Crime against health and life
Forms and semester of classes: Lecture , Exercises, 3rd semester (winter)




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Submitted on Saturday, 12. March 2022 - 19:59 by Joanna Drzeżdżon Changed on Wednesday, 12. April 2023 - 22:04 by Joanna Drzeżdżon