TTM implemented from the second degree of Chemistry

TTM implemented from the second degree study

During the recruitment process, students of all specializations who have completed a bachelor's degree in CHEMISTRY may declare their wish to pursue an optional teacher training module (TTM). The classes included in the module last for all four semesters of study, and include a total of 560 hours, including 150 hours of chemistry didactics and 120 hours of subject practice at school. The module is assigned a total of 35 ECTS credits. Passing all classes and internships included in the module additionally entitles graduates to practice as chemistry teachers in all types of schools.

The teaching training module for the CHEMISTRY major is in accordance with the latest standards for teacher training given in the REGULATION OF THE MINISTER OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE of July 25, 2019 on the standard of training to prepare for the teaching profession.


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Submitted on Monday, 10. August 2020 - 15:19 by Andrzej Nowacki Changed on Saturday, 6. May 2023 - 19:16 by Andrzej Nowacki