Wykłady dla doktorantów, studentów i pracowników - Erasmus

Na przełomie maja i czerwca na Wydziale Chemii odbędą się wykłady prowadzone przed wizytujących naukowców w ramach projektu Erasmus. Wykłady (wymiar 8 godz.) są otwarte i mogą w nich uczestniczyć doktoranci, studenci i pracownicy.




1. Dr. Victor Bocoş-Binţinţan, Associate Professor 29.05-30.05.2019


29.05 10:00-13:00 F301

30.05 10:00-13:00 F301


"Ion Mobility Spectrometry - its place among analytical techniques and its applications to detecting trace levels of toxic chemicals"


1. Ion Mobility Spectrometry IMS as a fast, ultrasensitive and green analytical tool in trace & ultra-trace detection of chemicals. Place of IMS among instrumental analytical techniques

2. Applications of Ion Mobility Spectrometry – military applications (chemical warfare agents); security applications (explosives and illegal drugs); environmental, industrial and special applications. Case studies of using IMS to detecting toxic industrial chemicals TICs and pesticides.



2. Dr. Lavinia Liliana Ruta 03.06-04.06.2019


03.06 10:00-13:00 F16

04.06 10:00-13:00 F16


"Saccharomyces cerevisiae – old concepts and new questions"


1. Saccharomyces cerevisiae – an overview on old concepts

2. Heterologous expression of metalonthioneins in Sacharomyces cerevisiae

3. Biotechnological relevance of metalonthioneins expression in S. cerevisiae

4. Heavy metals and oxidative stress

5. Calcium transport and homeostasis in S. cerevisiae

6. Aequorin, a transgenic molecular tool for detecting cytosolic calcium changes

7. Correlation between calcium and heavy metals exposure in S. cerevisiae.

8. Concluding remarks



3. prof. Luis Cumbal 04.06-07.06.2019


04.06 08:30-10:30 D2

05.06 08:30-10:30 F3

05.06 08:30-10:30 F3

“Nanotechnology Applied to Water and Soil Treatments”


1. Adsorption and precipitation (carbon based nano-adsorbents, metal based nano-adsorbents, composites). Preparation, characterization and applications.

2. Membrane and membrane processes (nano-zeolites, nano-Ag, carbon nanotubes). Preparation, characterization and applications.

3. Desalination, disinfection and microbial control (Nano-Ag, carbon based nanomaterials, nano-TiO2). Preparation, characterization and applications.

4. Sensing and monitoring (noble metal nanoparticles, carbon nanotubes, magnetic nanoparticles). Preparation and applications.



4. Prof. Ewa Kowalska 10.06-14.06.2019


10.06 10:15-12:00 F16

11.06 10:15-12:00 F16

12.06 10:15-12:00 F16

13.06 10:15-12:00 F3


“Fundamentals and applications of advanced oxidation processes (AOPs)”

1. Positives and negatives of different kinds of AOPs;

2. Heterogeneous photocatalysis;

3. Solar energy and solar fuel;

4. Faceted anatase nanoparticles (octahedral vs decahedral);

5. Plasmonic photocatalysis;

6. Decomposition of organic compounds and microorganisms.

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Submitted on Saturday, 25. May 2019 - 11:48 by Andrzej Nowacki Changed on Saturday, 25. May 2019 - 11:48 by Andrzej Nowacki